Thursday, January 6, 2011

By golly

its 6 days into 2011,  its still early to be weary. But its already been a bit of a rollercoster.  Im determine to have control of my life more than before. By that, i mean a change so i can have a healthier mind and body.

I am ready to feel better, im ready to hit the gym and melt off the extra holiday package.  Its been almost a month since i've worked out. My body is definitley feeling the uneasiness.

don't you hate when you look at pictures and you just see all the flaws. Exactly, what happened today. All i was thinking  "OMG, hello reality check"

Kinda harsh. But im laughing half heartedly, preparing myself that I definitley need to strife away from food for a long time. Summer is not to far away..attainable goal, i believe so

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