Sunday, August 22, 2010

sunday rants

like nails scratching a chalkboard is how annoyed i am.

Every little thing seems to be working my nerves today, im starting to think theres something wrong with me. Superbitch mode on full speed.  Im pretty sure its this rediculous August heat. Its been on full swing since June, ..Dear Fall, please hurry..

Classes just resume, i feel pretty unaccomplished..26 and just now nearing the end of my associate. What the eff, which btw i have nearly 100 credit hrs under my belt. I should have my bachelors almost finish with that amount.  But noo, instead i chose the path of working while going to school, which still makes me broke.

Turks and Caicos
I told my friend katie i am in need of a vacation STAT away from the great plains..We were in talks of a cruise to the carribeans in the beginning of the new year

These two pictures shown are the destinations we were going to when we were planning our cruise. I still want it to happen. As of now its on hold. I'm on vacation lock down, but i don't think thats going to last very long. I need to have a mental cleanse to get some clarity and relaxation.
Its the Atlantis Resort

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